What to Consider When Buying a Dog Collar and Leash

What to Consider When Buying a Dog Collar and Leash

Many dog owners have a difficult time finding the best dog collar and leash. This can be especially true if you are buying your first set of items, and don't know what to look for. There are a limitless amount of options so where should you start? There is no right or wrong answer but we might be able to steer you in the right direction. In this blog post, we will go over some of the variables to consider when buying a leash or collar for your pup.

Here are some of the top variables to consider when choosing your dog collar and leash.

Woman holding Em & Me Studio Leash

Dog size:

What breed your dog is and its current and potential size can limit your options. Smaller dogs might have a difficult time with standard leashes and collars, so you may need to find something more suited for their size. If they are 20 pounds or less, you need a leash that's less than six feet or on the lighter side. For larger dogs, this doesn't apply as they can handle the pressure and weight of a standard-length leash just fine. Some leashes are more suited for large breeds with strong tugging tendencies, while others may be better if your pup is gentle but still needs the support.


Some leashes and collars are made for different coat types and textures which can be beneficial if your pup has long hair or a sensitive skin type. Fur can also get caught in leashes and collars, so choosing one that has a fur-friendly design will save you both time and stress. For example, many short hair breeds require a shorter leash that won't get caught in their fur and cause them discomfort. Some long-haired breeds might need something with smoother fabric for the same reason; it can be challenging to find leashes made out of fur-friendly material so this may call for some trial-and-error tests on your dog collar and leash.


Some leashes require the dog to be trained before using them, meaning that if your pup is still in training it is not going to be able to use an advanced leash or collar until they are up to that level. Some options may also aid in the training process such as a no-pull collar leash duo. The level your pup is at can limit the options or features you are looking for in a dog collar and leash.


A dog collar and leash that does not on properly can be a safety risk to your pup. Make sure you check the fit before buying and make sure it is snug but not too tight or loose. A good rule of thumb when sizing your dog's collar is to measure around the dog's neck and add one inch. Collars should not be tight on your pup while they are still growing but as a general rule there is no need for an extra collar to help with growth, just adjust the size of their current one.


Some dog collar and leash options leave little wiggle room for your pup. If you have a pup that likes to roam or one with joint problems, it might be worth going for an option with more flexibility. There are different lengths of a dog collar and leash that you can cater your decisions making to.

Activity level:

Depending on your pup's activity level you may need to opt for something more durable and easy maintenance that will hold up to your dog's active lifestyle. Your dog collar and leash need to be tough. They should not fray or break easily, especially if you have a pup that likes to explore on its own terms. This variable may cause you to limit or expand your initial material options for the dog collar and leash.

Material Options:

Leather, nylon, cotton, rope? There are many material options to consider when buying a dog collar and leash. Make sure you understand what each type of material offers as a benefit as well as its downsides. For example, leather has a natural antioxidant that is animal-based. This will help keep the dog collar and leash from being damaged by water and other elements outside of its control. Leather also tends not to hold on to odors so it's an easy solution for dogs with sensitive noses! The downsides of a leather collar would be its higher price point and the lack of breathability. You may want to research all of the possible materials before starting your search. This can narrow down all of the options at hand for your potential dog collar and leash.


If you are looking for a dog collar and leash set, or just one of the two. You can find options that will be perfect for your needs from training to walking on a leash all day long. This means that the amount in which the item will be used is a key variable in choosing the right option.


Some leashes and collars may be fit for more rural or urban areas. If you live in a more urban area you might try a standard one-length leash since there are smaller sidewalks and a smaller area to cover while a retractable leash may be better for you if you live in the country where your pup has more area to roam freely.

There are many different variables that go into choosing the right accessories, like a dog collar and leash. While these are just a few options, they pinpoint the key factors we look for in a dog collar and leash. When making your decisions, you should base it on you and your pup's lifestyle. It may seem like a trivial decision, but the collar and leash you pick for your dog can make or break their overall look. This is also their everyday wardrobe, so you will want something that represents your pup's personality accordingly.
