You've been boozed article image with bats flying in the bottom right corner

A new way to trick or treat
- You've been boozed

The rules

You've been boozed! During the night, a bunch of ghouls left you a grown-up treat!

  1. Hang the “we’ve been boozed” sign on your door or in your window and enjoy your booze. Cheers!
  2. Pass the fun on to your friends & neighbors. Download and print the sign and hang tag or order a kit, and we will send you the hang tag, sign, and other festive extras!
  3. Delivery! Place the booze, ring the bell and hide!

Please remember to wear your mask, socially distance, drink responsible and have fun!

"You've been boozed" Whats this about?

We've been hearing a lot of questions surrounding Halloween this year, such as "Will Halloween happen this year?" and "Will Halloween be cancelled this year?." It's an interesting question during these pandemic times, however we've been researching how Halloween is celebrated around the world, or types of events around that time and we've seen a lot of interesting traditions. We looked at everything from Dia de los Muertos to Guy Fawkes Night in the UK. Yet, we think we've landed on a simple solution for this 2020 Halloween special. In the month leading up to all hallows eve, we are encouraging all families to engage with one another in some old timey fun-filled pranking!

This Halloween is going to be pretty different. Some neighborhoods are not even trick-or-treating this year! So, we've come up with this fun idea to get the whole neighborhood in on something to keep the spirit alive! "You've been boozed" is an activity thats fun for young and old. It's pretty simple actually, all you have to do is put together a little care package of sorts and leave it on your neighbors porch in ding-dong-ditch fashion. Then it becomes the neighbors turn to "booze" someone else! If you've landed on this page because you've been Boo'zed refer to the rules above to see what to do next!

This activity is a great way to engage the whole neighborhood in something Halloween related while still social distancing. In these times, more than ever, we need to pull together as communities and celebrate one another – even in the smallest of ways. Stay safe and spooky everyone!

Stay connected!

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How to participate

FREE download and printable! Just print, cut, fold, add booze and decorate!


You've Been Boozed Basic, for 4$+shipping, we will send you a kit with tag, small poster, tissue/wrapping paper, string and 5 mini plastic spiders - Just add booze. We promise to ship within 24 hours, so you can easily keep the booze going!


Boozed Deluxe, for 20$, we will send you the ultimate kit: tag, small poster, tissue/wrapping, box, 5 mini plastic spiders, pack of cocktail napkins, and "The Spooky Edition" stir sticks. Simply add booze! We promise to ship within 24 hours, so you can easily keep the booze going!
